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The art of problem-solving 
By the power of creativity AI

Join us in shaping the future of Israel!


The Challenge 

How do we build a "Machine" that will help us overcome disagreements: Invent a system that will help us reach an agreed solution - “Common grounds”, for a problem or conflict.

The desired solution

The desired solution should produce a method to help overcome disagreements, that gives us a “Bottom line” of what we agree upon, while creating understanding - that can be applied to a technological /digital tool, to reach each and every one of us.

What do you need to do?

We belive, it is possible to solve complex problems, using creative thinking tools. We offer you to solve the most burning challenge for us the "Co-nflict", your mind and our algorithms. Join us on an 8-day journey, generate & rate many creative ideas for this polarizing challenge.

Why & About us

Synaps is an Israeli startup that promotes innovation and creative thinking. We wish to take action for the benefit of Israeli society voluntarily and self-financed, in this challenge. We believe that as a startup nation we can and should use our abilities to solve our challenges.

What is the end goal ?

The chosen solution will be given to a non-profit organization to demonstrate the feasibility of developing the product and using it, at no cost, for Israeli social purposes, for the next three years.


Your profile is anonymous

to others


The system is optimized

for the mobile phone


The system language is English,

but is available to write in Hebrew   


Sign in easily by clicking the Google icon.


Everything begins with an idea.

CALL US: +(972)-52-2565766
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